Aim and Scope

Insights in Pediatric Cardiology is an open access peer reviewed journal publishes significant experimental research articles and clinical studies on all aspects associated with pediatric cardiology. Particularly, papers with the subsequent focus are going to be considered: genetics, experimental research; fetal diagnosis; morphology; structure, metabolism, and physiology, non-invasive diagnostic techniques, invasive diagnostic techniques, interventional cardiology, cardiac dysrhythmias / electrophysiology, cardiac surgery, medical care management, early / late outcomes, pulmonary hypertension/heart transplant / mechanical assistance and neurodevelopment / psycho-social aspects.

While the scope of Pediatric Cardiology is primarily centered on clinical studies, experimental research projects highlighting the pathophysiology of diseases or that specialize in translational aspects also are appreciated. Basic and clinical research are going to be stimulated by intensifying collaboration and knowledge exchange between the subspecialties of pediatric cardiology and the inclusiveer field of pediatrics. The goal of this journal is to offer a sustained commitment to education and continuous improvement of data across the span of pediatric cardiology.